Events pastor-chris-oyakhilome-global-day-prayer

Published on June 14th, 2023 | by Alberto Krinsky


Time to prepare for the Global Day of Prayer with Pastor Chris

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome presents yet another Global Day of Prayer later this month.

The 24-hour marathon of prayers takes place from Friday, June 23rd, to Saturday, June 24th.

The live stream will be available on all LoveWorld networks, including CeFlix.

There will be valuable analysis of the scriptures, and with that, attendees will receive the most important lesson concerning their practice of prayer.

Do you have the power to unleash a tremendous amount of power? Do you feel ready to pray for your nation? Most importantly, are you ready to have your prayers answered?

With Pastor Chris Oyakhilome and many other ministers leading people in prayer, participants can be sure that their prayers are answered.

Insights from previous Global Days of Prayer

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome has hosted many Global Days of Prayer before.

In one of the previous editions, Pastor Deloa Phillips explained that the Global Day of Prayer was initially established to reinforce the word of God. It all started in the fragile times of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Pastor Deloa Phillips elaborated that the enemies’ works have been exposed, and LoveWorld members have been directed to pray accurately and have results.

“We thank God for the results we have in our prayers which have a tremendous impact on our lives worldwide. It is a privilege to be sent by God as an instrument of change. Glory be to God,” she stated.

In another edition of the Global Day of Prayer, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome mentioned how important it is to pray.

“I often say that the beautiful thing about prayer is not just that we prayed, it is that God heard us and answered. If God did not answer, then our prayers would be useless,” he explained.

Pastor Chris reminds people to sustain the glory through prayer

In one of the previous Global Day of Prayer events, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome explained this specific quote from the Bible:

“Father, glorify thy name. Then came there a voice from heaven, saying, I have both glorified it and will glorify it again.” (John 12:28)

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome then explained that Luke, by the Spirit, reports what happened to Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration as He prayed: “And as he prayed, the fashion of his countenance was altered, and his raiment was white and glistering.” (Luke 9:29)

The pastor explained that this means that the glory has increased. That glory came deep from within Him.

“This is the transformation that each one of us can and should have through praying in the Holy Ghost. That is the secret,” Pastor Chris Oyakhilome declared.

“If you pray briefly, you may not sustain the glory, or it could fizzle out. To sustain the effect and the impact of the glory, you must give yourself to prayer – praying in the Spirit,” he added.

The pastor summed up by saying that if you have been studying the word, beholding the glory of God, you have contacted something.

“Hold on to it. Sustain it through prayer and meditation on the word, and never let it leave you,” he said.

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