Pastor Chris explains the Bible quote “If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off”
Pastor Chris Oyakhilome usually takes time to answer questions for many members of the LoveWorld community from around the world.
One of the members, Chi from Cameroon, asked, “What does the Bible mean when it says, ‘if your hand causes you to sin, cut it off, and if your eye causes you to sin, cut it off; it is better to enter into the kingdom of Heaven with one hand than to go to hell with your full body?’”
So, generously, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, replied with this answer:
“Jesus wanted us to answer that question with our own reasoning”
Pastor Chris Oyakhilome begins by saying: “I want you to understand the teachings of Jesus, and many times Jesus brought knowledge to his listeners so that they could understand what he was; he wanted them to ask certain questions and answer those questions from their reasons about themselves.”
“So sometimes, he spoke in parables, and many times in parables. But this is not a parable. What Jesus is saying here is very simple, but I want you to listen to it because it was stated several times,” the pastor added.
“What you wrote here is actually what you have in the Bible, ‘if your hand causes you to sin, cut it off.’ Another portion says if your hand offends you, the same as ‘if your hand causes you to sin, cut it off’ and ‘if your eye causes you to sin.’ The question you should ask is: can your hand cause you to sin? Can your eye cause you to sin?” Pastor Chris Oyakhilome said.
Pastor Chris’ interpretation: “Jesus says the real sin is in the heart”
Pastor Chris Oyakhilome then elaborated on sinning.
“So, the question is, what is your sin? Jesus always wanted to point them to their hearts. He always wanted them to know where the problem was; the problem was not in their hand because the law says that if they caught somebody, this is what they should do; cut them out, stone them, cut out this, cut out that, so tout for tact, why did that man offend you?” the pastor asked.
“He hit you. Okay, if he cut your hand off, you cut his hand off, all of these things. Now, Jesus says the actual sin is in the heart, so if you are going to cut off your hand to say, ‘my hand caused me to sin,’ the question is: how did your hand cause you to sin?” the Christ Embassy founder added.
The pastor went on to talk about Jesus’ role.
“He is pointing you to something, and he is pointing you to your heart. That is what Jesus is doing, pointing you to your heart. So, you understand, that is why Jesus said it is better to go into life or into the kingdom of God with one hand; than to go to hell with two hands,” the pastor stated and continued:
“You need another heart, and that is what the prophet said in Ezekiel 36:26: ‘A new heart will I give you, and a new Spirit will I put within you. And I will take the stony heart out from your flesh. And give you a heart of flesh.’ You need another heart. That is what Jesus is saying. You have to get it cut out, and He will give you another heart.”