You’re Sealed with the Holy Ghost
“Ye were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise (Ephesians 1:13).”
In his latest sermon, Pastor Chris talks about the meaning of being ‘sealed’ as a mark of divine protection. This term describes those who were taught the gospel and became born again. In church, they would call out those willing to be saved, lay their hands upon them and say to them “sealed with the Holy Ghost.”
Pastor Chris raises this point because as a Christian, one should be automatically sealed with the Holy Ghost.
“When you received the Holy Ghost, you were sealed; it was done by the Holy Ghost; it’s not a special, or typical experience.” This begs the question, what does it mean to be sealed, especially in the context of Scripture?”
What Does it Mean to be Sealed?
Pastor Chris explains the meaning behind the symbolism of being ‘sealed’. “When a document is sealed, it means a mark, or something is attached to it as a guarantee of authenticity and ownership. When you see the seal of the President on a document, for example, that means the document came from the President and has the president’s authority. A seal also means that a particular transaction has been completed or consummated.”
The Power of the Seal
Being sealed gives a person a distinct mark in their lives. With the stamp of the Holy Spirit, one receives three crucial things: Ownership, security, and authenticity. These three elements provide the individual with an indemnity that is guaranteed by God. The born-again status protects you from harm. In the words of Pastor Chris, “now that you’re born again, and have been sealed with the Holy Ghost, Satan can’t touch you, because the mark of God is on you.”
Psalm 91:7 says, “A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.” And the tenth verse says, “There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.”
Defy the Enemy
This is the seal that separates you from danger. As a child of God, you’re protected and preserved by the power of the Holy Spirit. Pastor Chris states in his sermon that the devil will have no place in your life. ” When you understand this, the devil will have no place in your life. Fear will have no place in you. If you’re attacked by sickness, disease or infirmity, you’ll command it to leave your body. You’ll live every day with the confident assurance that no plan of the adversary can work against you, because the seal of God is on you.”
To fully embrace the seal of the Holy Spirit, it is important to recite the following: “I’ve got the seal of the Holy Ghost! I’m protected and preserved from harm, for as the mountains surround Jerusalem, even so, am I immersed in the Lord’s protection. His divine power has granted me all that I require for life and godliness, and no weapon fashioned against me can ever prosper, because I dwell in Christ. Blessed be God forever!”