Unlocking the Treasures
“There is nothing wrong with being poor; but there is everything wrong with remaining poor after you have discovered your riches in Christ.”
― Chris Oyakhilome, Rhapsody of Realities
Poverty is not only the lack of possessions and money, poverty is also a state of mind. A man with thirty golden mansions who lacks the presence of the Divine Spirit is poor to his core. His bank account may be overflowing, but his heart his empty. The absence of Jesus Christ in your life can result in a tremendous sense of poverty. It is the emptiness of the spirit. It is a starving soul.
Perfectly said by the man of God himself:
“Poverty is not the absence of money, or other required necessities of life; it’s actually the disabling of a man’s mental prowess. It’s that state where a person’s mind shuts down, and that person believes that he or she can’t do anything to change his state”
This is a dangerous state. “A shut down mind” cannot achieve anything. How do we achieve this? How do we receive to the key to the palace of spiritual wealth?
“All the wealth in this world belongs to you if you’re born again”
By simply accepting the Lord into your soul, you are automatically granted all the earth’s riches.
Pastor Chris’s mighty words enlightens us on the boundless treasures that can be found in the teachings of Jesus Christ by simply accepting him into you heart. The Lord is the greatest giver of all and unlocking the door to his bounty should be the quest of every man.
“For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich (2 Corinthians 8:9).
The man of God teaches us to believe that we are great, that we are powerful. We are the masters of our own souls, we are the key-holders to the house of God. The man of God demands us to understand that poverty is just not an option “Poverty is not for you!”
The mighty Pastor talks of Jesus Christ’s personal journey:
“He took upon Himself, not only the sins of the world, but also the effects of sin, one of which is poverty. This is the reason every Christian must reject poverty. Nevertheless, poverty by choice, or deprivation by persecution is acceptable. A Christian may walk poor, and live poor because of ignorance, but he’s not poor, for he actually has an inheritance in Christ.”
There for, deep down, we have the all the wealth of Jesus, we simply cannot be poor. To do so is to live of life of great ignorance. This will only result in great deprivation. A hungry and weakened soul is to be pitied. Pastor Chris commands us to reject victimhood. We are the masters of our own path. Therefore, by seeking the key to your own soul, you will be granted access to the divine fortress within!