Quotes Guiding Light

Published on September 4th, 2018 | by Alberto Krinsky


The Guiding Light of the Holy Spirit

“When the Holy Spirit comes into your life, He will show you things to come; you will no longer be in the dark. You will no longer walk in confusion but live each day in the light. You will face the future with faith and confidence. He is the Spirit of reality, Hallelujah.”

These magnificent words stated by none other than Pastor Chris teach us of the power and impact of the accepting the Holy Spirit into our lives. So many of God’s fervent soul-winning sons and daughters have opened their hearts to the divine power that is the Holy Spirit. Accepting this gift is guaranteed to deliver you out darkness and into God’s light!
Confusion is darkness. Satan loves darkness. When we find ourselves trapped in the depths of darkness, we are essentially stuck in the clutches of the devil. The devil seeks to keep us firmly in his evil grip, depriving us of light. This blackened state keeps us from the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is in the very air we breathe and knowing this can help us in these times of utter darkness and despair.

This is exactly what Pastor Chris teaches us. By hearing the Holy Spirit “you will no longer be in the dark”. This darkness will vanish and cease to exist the moment you let it into your heart. The Holy Spirit gives us a light, it shows us clarity.” You will no longer walk in confusion but live each day in the light”.

The man of God calls the Holy Spirit “a master communicator”

How does one know the voice of this spirit? Pastor Chris tells us exactly how to find it. “Soon, you’ll hear His voice talking to you from your spirit. Romans 8:16 says the Spirit, “beareth witness with our spirit”

According to Pastor Chris:

“The bush was burning all right, but it wasn’t consumed. When Moses moved closer to see the strange sight, the Lord spoke out of the bush, but said nothing about the fire. All He needed was Moses’ attention, and He got it. From then on, Moses never needed another burning bush to know when God was talking, for the Lord himself had taught him to discern His voice. He will do the same for you.” It was the burning bush that led Moses to his destiny. It was the light that rescued him from a life of confusion and darkness.

The Holy Spirit is a signal, a call to the divine path. Like Moses who found his burning bush, so can you find yours.

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