
Published on October 21st, 2018 | by Gabriele Adbbe


Pastor Chris: Respond with Love

“The actions or attitude of such people should never provoke you to act contrary to your true nature, which is love. God is love, and anyone who loves is of God, and knows God.”

Yesterday Pastor Chris spoke on the love that we need to show to our enemies. Although this might be challenging, the way we treat our enemies is one of the major attributes of a strong Christian value system.

In the journey that is life, we will encounter many people. Pastor Chris talks about the different types of individuals that we encounter in our path. “In our journey of faith, there’ll always be those who’ll test us; everyone who relates with you is placed there by God for your benefit; whether they’re helping you or they’re against you doesn’t make any difference. It doesn’t stop God’s plan of promoting you. If they’re kind, loving, and helpful to you, appreciate them and praise God for them; if they’re otherwise, love them nonetheless.”

Compassion is Key

The man of the God essentially tells us that not every soul will support us. It is however still incumbent on us to show not only restraint, but also compassion, for the individual does not see his actions from an enlightened state of mind. He is off the path. The bible tells us “Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you (Matthew 5:44).” Pastor Chris tell us that even the most extreme cases, it is always important to remain loving and kind. People can show great cruelty. Pastor Chris goes on to say, that even in times where you feel people” dislike you, persecute you, and despise you” it is “permitted to respond to them in love.

Emulate Him

“The summation of God’s character is love; we’re therefore to emulate Him by walking in love.” To live a truly enlightened life that is led by God, man needs to “emulate” God has best as he can, for he was created in his image. Though we will never measure up to the greatness of the Lord, we must at least attempt. The bible teaches us to love God as if we are Him. Pastor Chris tells us “our love-walk is the primary proof that we love the Lord, and it speaks of our oneness and like-mindedness with Him.”

Once we understand our capacity for love, our hearts know no bounds. We can love our greatest enemy, the one who seeks to tear us down, the one who despises. Romans 5:5 says “the love of God has been shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit.”

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