Events Rhapsody of Realities: A Daily Devotional by Pastor Chris

Published on June 14th, 2021 | by Alberto Krinsky


Don’t miss it: Register for the Healing Streams with Pastor Chris

After a successful Healing School Online Prayer Conference with Pastor Chris Oyakhilome in June, the LoveWorld Nation has started preparing for the next big Healing School event, the Healing Streams.

The event will take place daily at 6 PM GMT+1 from Friday, July 9th to Sunday, July 11th, and you can sign up right here. You can also register to host a virtual center or a healing center.

The Healing School describes the Healing Streams as a “special online program designed by the Holy Spirit to bring divine healing to everyone that requires healing for their bodies.”

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome hosted a very impactful Healing Streams weekend in March with 4.1 billion unique logins, and it was streamed in 1,047 languages around the world. That makes it the largest LoveWorld event ever.

March’s program was part of the Healing Streams Live Healing Services series, which has been running for years. Since its inception, it has served as a place for healing, hope and miracles, and several believers told their testimonies of healing during the recent Healing Streams program.

“I knew it was my set time”

Among the testimonies at March’s Healing Streams session were people who had overcome great pain and lifelong sufferings through Pastor Chris Oyakhilome’s healing.

“When the man of God, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, ministered to me, I could not tell what happened exactly, but I knew something miraculous had taken place in my body. I waited for many years for this day. I was expectant, and I was ready for my healing because I knew it was my set time,” a believer, who was healed from lumbar conditions and sciatica, said.

Another Christ Embassy member from Nigeria was healed from eye troubles.

“I have had a problem in my eyes for about 20 years now. I could not stare under any colored light. Rays of light felt in my eyes like a sharp arrow. The doctor had said my retina is rough, the part of the eye that receives light rays is rough. While participating during the service yesterday, I decided to pull off my glasses and stare at the light in the auditorium. And to my surprise, I felt calm and cool in my eyes. Hallelujah! I am completely healed,” he said.

A caller from Namibia also told his inspiring story of how he had suffered from a severe lung condition for 20 years and was healed by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome. He is now breathing and walking without aid.

Pastor Chris heals through the screen

The Christ Embassy president has also performed miracles in Sierra Leone, where a believer was healed from genital infection and pains in the breast.

In Northern Cyprus, a woman was healed from severe leg pain while watching the Healing Streams program, and in South Africa, a believer was cured of heart palpitation, body stiffness, chest pain, cough and migraines.

While Healing Streams was hosted by the Director of the Healing School, Pastor Deola Phillips, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome also got on stage several times.

“You know that the spirit of God is with us. Blessing, strengthening, healing. Wherever you are right now when you pray, put your hand over that area where the sickness has been. Just put your hand over it. Put your hands in the place where you need a miracle,” Pastor Chris Oyakhilome said during the first Healing Streams session.

Special thanks to Pastor Chris

At the recent Healing School Online Prayer Conference, the Director of the Healing School, Pastor Deola Phillips, praised Pastor Chris Oyakhilome and thanked him for founding the Healing School.

“At a time where the whole world needed your voice, your voice was there. God counted on you, and you spoke out. Because of you, we have this amazing Healing Ministry today, networking the whole world with the power of God. We really cannot thank you enough, but we continue to serve alongside with you, striving together with you for the faith of the gospel,” Pastor Deola Phillips said and continued:

“Thank you for the opportunity, thank you for the platform, thank you for the vision of taking healing to the nations. We thank you so much, sir. We love you, pastor.”

The Healing School is a subsidiary of Pastor Chris Oyakhilome’s LoveWorld Ministry, which consists of everything from banks, apps and record labels to NGOs, hospitals and tv channels.

Through the Healing School, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome and various other LoveWorld ministers heal people from pain and sicknesses.

Usually, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome tells the suffering participants to put a hand on the place that hurts and needs healing, and shortly after, the pain is gone.

In the video below, you can hear Eugene Avery’s testimony of how he was healed from severe back pains. He had tried various kinds of medication, but nothing helped – until he watched the Healing Streams in March.

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