'Your LoveWorld Special' with Pas..." /> "Whatever you do, find yourself in God’s place," says Pastor Chris - Pastor Chris Oyakhilome Events

News Pastor Chris declares October the Month of Insight

Published on May 18th, 2022 | by Alberto Krinsky


“Whatever you do, find yourself in God’s place,” says Pastor Chris

‘Your LoveWorld Special’ with Pastor Chris Phase 4 of Season 5 took off in a blaze of glory yesterday and will continue till Friday. We are constantly being called into God’s marvelous light.

As with previous episodes of this ever-popular program, this phase promises unforgettable moments of earnest prayers and answers, unraveling of truth around current global happenings, and profound teachings from the scriptures by Pastor Chris.

Our Man of God, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome told us: “Our job is well cut out for us, to display the virtues and perfections of Christ.”

Testimonies and Affirmations

JoAnn Robest from the United States of America wrote in saying: “We know through the word and the Holy Ghost that the enemy is exposed and his agenda is destroyed in Jesus’ name. Amen. God Blessings to you Pastor Chris for this Wisdom and Revelational Knowledge of the Glory of God.”

“Whatever you do, find yourself in God’s place,” Pastor Chris told the global audience. “These are interesting times and in today’s world, you are either afraid or courageous. And if you are neither of the two, you are ignorant. God wants His children to be courageous. Our courage is not false courage but based on the word and the power of the Holy Spirit.”

Courage, we know from our Man of God, “..is the ability and the will to do what is right or necessary, even in the face of adversity. When you’re courageous, you understand that every challenge is an opportunity to make progress.”

While previous phases have yielded many testimonies, this phase and future phases promise to wield much more impact. It’s yet another time to bask in glory as the saints fellowship together all around the world. Be part of the billions of people around the world who receive hope, faith, and love from this momentous program. Receive counsel and be guided by the wisdom of God for a continuous life of ever-increasing glory in these perilous times.

Partake in the daily life of praise and thanksgiving during the ‘Month of Praise

Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light (Colossians 1:12). The Bible says God has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 1:3). This is enough to make you ecstatic with gratitude to the Lord every day of your life. How could anyone read or hear that and still be complaining? God wants us to give thanks every day, not complaints.

The Scripture is clear in saying that this is the will of God concerning you: “In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you” (1 Thessalonians 5:18). A life of daily thanksgiving, however, doesn’t suggest a life devoid of challenges. Challenges may come, but in the midst of it all, lift your hands and say, “Lord, I give thanks, for greater is He that’s in me than he that’s in the world.” There’s no need to complain or grumble about any situation; as a child of God, you were born into victory; you can’t be disadvantaged.

Daily Affirmations with the Man of God

We read in the Affirmation Train: “Complainers can’t be fruitful in every good work; they can’t be effective soul winners. Instead, complainers gripe about their perceived misfortune. Don’t be that way; rather, give thanks. A lifestyle of gratitude will continually attract blessings and favor to you, giving you more reasons to give thanks!”

“I affirm that I am in charge and in control, winning every day. My path is illuminated with the light of God’s Word; therefore, I do not lack direction. I am an answer from God. Everywhere I go, I am relevant because I’m loaded with divine wisdom and insight to provide the right answers to questions, and solutions to problems. I’m indeed an answer to the cries of millions all over the world because I function in the wisdom of God. Hallelujah!”

Pastor Chris has told us: “Be bold to say the same things that God has said concerning you in His Word. That is what takes you beyond salvation, to enjoy the benefits of salvation.”

The program is broadcast on all LoveWorld TV channels and digital platforms at 7:00 PM GMT+1, 1:00 PM EST, until and including Friday, 20th of May.

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