News Pastor Chris Month of Great Grace

Published on September 5th, 2022 | by Gabriele Adbbe


September is the Month of Meditation & Declaration

Welcome to September, the Month of Meditation & Declaration! Pastor Chris announced a new theme on the Global Communion Service that took place on Sunday, September 4th. 

The new month continues the theme of meditation which Pastor Chris announced in August. This time, meditation has advanced, and here, the stage of declaration comes in. 

During the service, Pastor Chris explained what Christ Embassy members should expect this month: 

“This month is the Month of Meditation and Declaration. You are about to declare something. Are you hearing me? The level of meditation has moved forward. You are about to declare something. Through that meditation, something is going to happen in your home; in your life; in your body; in your school; in your spirit. Something is going to happen in your city, in your nation. Something is going to happen, and you will bring it forth by the power of the Holy Ghost. Hallelujah!”

Pastor Chris also mentioned the necessity of fasting this month:

“The grace of God is at work in your life. It’s your month, and you will effect changes. And any day in the month that the Spirit of God tells you: “Fast! Go ahead and fast” because sometimes you will need to fast to meditate. And you will need to fast to contemplate and bring it to the level where you can speak. When you fast like that you’re speaking and speaking. That’s still meditation but this is the higher level of meditation where you are talking out. And the Lord will put words in your heart, and before long these words will come to your mouth.”

Events in the Month of Meditation & Declaration

Usually, the Global Communion Service is the first big date of the month, but this September was special. Before the service, the Christ Embassy congregation had ReachOut World with Pastor Chris taking place on September 2nd and 3rd. 

ReachOut World is a massive event celebrating Rhapsody of Realities becoming the most translated book in the world after the Bible. It is a huge milestone not only for the Christ Embassy megachurch but also for Pastor Chris as an author. 

For now, we know about at least two big events coming during the Month of Meditation and Declaration. The first one is Your LoveWorld Specials Season 6 Phase 2. Sessions will last in the middle of September, from Wednesday until Friday, September 14th–16th, at 7 PM GMT+1 daily. 

Your LoveWorld Specials will come out for the third month in a row, and the congregation is happy about it. The program will be running live on the Christ Embassy’s official website, LoveWorld Networks, LiveTV, CeFlix, and other social media platforms. 

Another celebration is the Global Day of Prayer with Pastor Chris. This is a 24-hour marathon of praying to protect the world from evil and make tremendous changes for the better. The dates of the program are September 23rd and 24th which are Friday and Saturday. The show starts at 6 PM GMT+1. 

There is a high chance we will learn about more events happening during September. For example, last year, the Christ Embassy also organized ISM Ladies Ignite Conference. More information will be available in the future. 

Declaration in the Bible and Rhapsody of Realities

Pastor Chris talked about the idea of declaring in Rhapsody of Realities. For example, the whole chapter “He’s your refuge… Declare it!” is about it. Here is an excerpt that emphasizes the importance of declaration: 

“Declare that the Lord is your Refuge and your Fortress, your God, on whom you lean and rely, and in whom you confidently trust! Let this be your confession and contemplation; personalize it!” 

Our man of God also talked about declarations in another chapter “Declare your victory”: 

“When you face challenges, boldly declare your victory over the situation. God’s Word spoken forth in faith will always prevail. So voice your faith and declare your victory in the face of adversity. This was what David did when he confronted Goliath. He made bold declarations of his victory over the giant before he went against him…” 

Of course, the Bible also includes verses mentioning declarations. One of the most inspiring verses about it is Psalm 19:1–2: 

“The heavens declare the glory of God;

the skies proclaim the work of his hands.

Day after day they pour forth speech;

night after night they reveal knowledge.”

Another strong declaring verse comes from Romans 10:9: 

“If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”

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